If your computer is functioning properly but feels like its slowing down at times then a tune-up is appropriate. Depending on usage, a couple of tune-ups a year will keep your computer in tip-top shape. It’s best to prevent problems rather than waiting until you have one to deal with.

A Computer Tune-up service with TodayTech includes the following services: • Increasing the speed and performance of your computer • Performing system cleanup and defrag • Getting rid of any unnecessary programs • Virus removal (extra charges apply)

If a technician finds a virus on your computer and your Computer Tune-up service ends up requiring virus removal, you may have to pay extra charges, but you will be notified beforehand so it’s not a surprise. The good news is that TodayTech can help you remove the virus with our Virus Removal service.

Do you find your computer slowing down but you don’t know why? If your PC computer is running slow, our techs can clean it up and make it run like new. Even new computers get bogged down with unnecessary files and unwanted programs. TodayTech can make your computer run better than new.


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